Monday, July 23, 2012

Forever Young

Remember that Rod Stewart song?  I love it.  I launched a fevered campaign in high school for it to be our class song. I failed. And sadly enough, the MHHS Class of 1991 is stuck with a Bad Company song.  I thought it was perfect for a graduating it seems perfect for my children.  Especially Sweet Pea. She's entering Kindergarten this fall. She's always been an easy-going, agreeable kid. And so far, I think I have successfully kept her appropriately "young" for her age. I have staved off the mind-numbingly annoying Disney sitcoms; we still enjoy "Jake and the Neverland Pirates", "Doc McStuffins", "Phinneas and Ferb" and Nick Jr.  She is blissfully unaware of Bieber; still falling asleep to her "Tangled" soundtrack. When I ask "What do you want to wear today?", the answer is usually, "Whatever Mom, you pick it out." I also know that a lot of this is due to the fact that she is the older sibling and I still, somewhat, have the final influence in her choices. 

But CHANGE has already started.

I listen to Pop radio in the car.  Sweet Pea's had some favorites over the last couple years, but mostly due to what we're listening to on the iPod.  But lately, "Call Me, Maybe" and One Direction have produced "Hey Mom, can you turn up this song?" from the back seat.  Wait? What? It's not like I don't enjoy these songs.  But I don't exactly belt them out at top volume when they come on the radio.  That reserved exclusively for Bon Jovi.

And recently, Jim's aunt brought Sweets a outfit from Justice.  Every trip to the mall brings a small prayer as we walk past that store, "Don't ask to go in there. Just not yet." 
After opening the outfit, Sweet Pea asks, "Mom, where did Aunt Linda get this?" 
I answered, truthfully. 
Response:  "Do we have a Justice in our mall?" 
Me, again, answering truthfully against ever fiber inside telling me LIE! LIE!, "Yes." 
Sweet Pea, "Well, we need to start shopping there." 

HAPPY CAMPER with Daddy!
Last week, Sweets went to her first day camp, a sports camp. She had a ball! (Ha, Ha! I know, bad joke. But she did.) She made some new friends, one of whom is named Charlie.  I picked her up on Thursday and, of course, asked how her day was.  Well, the answer shocked me.  
"Charlie kissed me today, Mom.  On the lips."  <giggle>
Oh wait, it gets better.  
"He also kissed Sarah and said we were both his girlfriends.  But I don't like being Charlie's girlfriend if Sarah is too.  So Sarah can be Charlie's girlfriend."  Good answer.  GOOD. ANSWER. 

Don't get me wrong. I am trying to raise my daughter to be an independent, strong and self-assured young lady. But I just didn't want her growing up TOO FAST.  And I guess I have found that last summer of "Little Girl" is transitioning a little more quickly than I expected.  I was ready for it happen once she went to school, just not before.  But like most things in parenthood, NOTHING ever goes as planned.  So I reluctantly say, bring on loose teeth (already have one), shopping trips to Justice, arguments over radio play and all other assertions of independence. 

Now, if we were talking about Monkey Man...I've got a whole different story to tell.  Must be second child syndrome?! But, I'm an only child, so sibling dynamics is a whole new world to me....

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