Thursday, July 26, 2012

Summer's Bounty; Now What Do I Do With It?

Although the new and improved raised bed version of the  KrausHouse Green Acres is slowly coming to life (due to 1. late planting; 2. record-setting heat and drought; and 3. maybe NOT quite the quality of soil as advertised by the establishment from which we ordered), we are still finding ourselves knee deep in the bounty of fruits and veggies that is Summer thanks to our CSA.  I've been trying my best to find new and unique recipes for the summer staples of the garden.  But sometimes you've gotta just go with the tried and true favorites which bring back the BEST of memories of summer's past.  I'd like to share a "tried and true" family favorite and a newly discovered "go-to" with you in hopes you'll find them helpful in making the most of your summer bounty!


The first recipe makes me smile just thinking about it.  It says "summer" to my taste buds more than anything in the world.  It brings me back to my grandma's kitchen, cook outs and hot days. A batch of this salad rarely makes it more than three days in our house. This recipe has been in my mom's side of the family for generations; as I am sure some version of it is in most families of Eastern European descent.  Most of those probably include this salad with sour cream, but my family's does not.  It's light, cool and easy!


-1 med. to large cucumber
-1/2 bulb candy onion or other sweet onion
-1/3 c. sugar
-1/2 c. rice vinegar*
-1/2 c. apple cider vinegar*
-1/2 c. olive oil
-1 tsp. - 1 tbsp. celery seed (add  desired amount for your taste)
Pinch of salt
Glass or ceramic container
Food Processor

*I like to use a blend of vinegars because rice vinegar isn't a strong as others and balances nicely with the apple cider. If you like a little more bite, use all apple cider.  If you'd like very mild salad, use all rice.

1. Using a peeler, peel the skin off of the cucumber.  Thinly slice the whole cucumber using a mandolin slicer.  If you don't have a mandolin, thinly slice the cucumber using a knife.

2.  Slice bulb onion into pieces that will fit in to the feeder tube of your food processor.  Process the onion using the slicing disk for your food processor.

3.  To make dressing, combine sugar, vinegar and oil in a glass bowl and whisk until sugar has completely dissolved.  Add in desired amount of celery seed and pinch of salt. Even though I don't like celery, I LOVE celery seeds in this.  Gives it an extra je ne sais pas! Put cucumbers and onions in glass or ceramic serving bowl.  DO NOT USE PLASTIC as it will react with the vinegar in the dressing.  <YUCK>.  Pour dressing over the cucumber and onion.  Mix in dressing until it covers all of the cucumbers and onions.

4. Cover and refrigerate for at least 2-3 hours before serving.  The longer it sits, the better it tastes! ENJOY!


(Adapted from Oatmeal Apricot Squares recipe)

Here's my new discovery that was born out of slight desperation.  Aren't all great discoveries usually made that way?  I had a TON of cherries sitting in my fridge and I needed a quick and easy dessert.  I consulted my cooking Bible, The Taste of Home Cookbook; All New Edition. Side note: If you have a family member/friend who is getting married, just starting out or learning to cook, YOU HAVE TO BUY THEM THIS COOKBOOK! It has the most comprehensive and extensive collection of recipes with easy and common ingredients.  Ok, so I checked the index for "Cherries" and found a recipe for Oatmeal Cherry Bars.  I checked the ingredients and found I had everything already on hand.  One big difference though, the recipe calls for preserves or jellies for the middle filling for the bars.  I had FRESH cherries.  Jump in to modification mode! I followed the recipe exactly,  but layered in fresh fruit instead and found that it makes a much better crumble than bars!  VIOLA'! A quick, easy and inexpensive way to use ALL kinds of fresh fruit from your summer bounty!  I have made it with three different fruits already - cherries, blueberries and apricots.  When I made it with apricots, I added in 1/2 c. of shredded coconut to the crumble mix and it was DELISH!


-Fresh fruit of your choice: blueberries, cherries, apricots, peaches, strawberries, etc.- cut up into halves or quarters for layering
-1 c. all purpose flour
-1 c. quick cooking oats
-1/2 c. packed brown sugar
-1/4 tsp. salt
-1/4 tsp. baking soda
-1/2 c. cold butter, cubed
Square baking dish
Preheated oven to 350*F

1. Combine all the dry ingredients in one bowl and mix thoroughly.

2. Cube butter and add to dry ingredient mixture. Create the crumble by cutting in the butter.  I have an antique pastry blender that I use to create the crumble. If you don't have a pastry blender, use two knives to cut in the butter.

Using my pastry blender
3. Cutting in the butter is a bit of a process and by far the hardest part.  You want the mixture to look like this when you're done.

4. Pour half the mixture into a square baking dish and press down lightly.

5. Prepare and cut fruit of your choice to layer on top of the crumble mixture.  Spread out fruit evenly throughout the top of the mixture.

6.  Pour over the remaining crumble mixture and spread evenly across the top of the fruit layer.

*Before putting the crumble in the oven, you can add some variation to the topping.  Sprinkle brown sugar over the top and spread out 4-5 pats of butter on top for a crunchy, brown sugar topping.

7.  Put in preheated oven (350*F) and bake for 40 mins.  
I'M DONE!!!!

8. Serve immediately, maybe with some vanilla ice cream?! or store covered in the refrigerator for up to 4 days...if it lasts that long ;)

If you try either of these recipes, let me know you they turned out for you! Enjoy SUMMER'S BOUNTY!


  1. YUM! The cucumber recipe reminds me of one my Grandma used to make when I was little. I cannot wait to make BOTH! Keep sharing recipes!!

  2. Glad you liked them! Sometimes the simple stuff is the best!
